
Primary Tuition


english tuition provider
tuition singapore
  • Careless with grammar and concord.
  • Not giving complete answers to the questions asked in the Comprehension passage.
  • Not scoring for the MCQ Comprehension and Visual text due to hurried reading and not paying attention to details.
  • Poor vocabulary due to lack of reading habit.
  • Compositions that is run-of-the-mill and filled with grammatical mistakes.
our approach 2020 primary school registration
2020 registration
Principal Teacher
Ms Magdalene
  • Get the children to develop an interest in reading but getting the students to read short interesting and humorous stories in class.
  • Get students to focus on what the questions are asking and upon finding the answers to vocally read both question and answer to check for coherence.
  • Helping the students to develop a proof-reading habit upon the completion of each exercise.
Maths a level tuition centre
a level tuition singapore
  • As the student progresses through the primary school levels, mastery of the basic competencies is no longer enough as questions are now often worded ways to fool the student into answering them wrongly.
  • Additionally, problem sums now often require a cross-topical, multi-step process to solve, which often causes confusion even to very capable students.
our approach aeis
aeis school
Principal Teacher
Mr Terence
  • On top of covering the fundamental concepts in each year level, we emphasize on approaching questions with a clear methodology, which enables the student to identify the type of question presented, reorganize the relevant data, and solve it using connecting statements. This is within our aim to get students to make it a habit to think and reason independently, and getting the question right.
SCIENCE aeis school singapore
aeis singapore
  • Over the years the education system has shifted away from rote learning to conceptual thinking. Questions are no longer as straightforward as they used to be, and very often requires specific terminology to address the question which students often miss out.
our approach aeis tuition
Principal Teacher
Ms Siti
  • We aim to build confidence in our students skills in scientific reasoning, flexibility to respond to varying contexts, and critical reflection of answers.
  • Students are taught to analyse and identify the concepts involved and write thorough answers using the appropriate keywords and conventions.
  • Students are taught to analyse and identify the concepts involved and write thorough answers using the appropriate keywords and conventions.
CHINESE 华文 algebra workshop
bedok tuition centre
  • 华文早教学前班N2-K2
  • 小学高级/普通华文班P1-P6
  • 小学趣味作文班P1-P6
  • 小学技巧口试班P1-P6
  • 中学高级/快捷班S1-S5
  • 中学学术/普通工艺进级班S1-S5
  • 中学华文技巧作文/技巧口试班S1-S5
Our team of Primary Chinese Teachers chemistry tuition
chinese tuition
刘研老师 Ms Liu Yan
  • 在新加坡从事专业补习超过12年时间。丰富的教学经验,让她在短时间内找出学生的弱点以自创有效的方法帮助学生克服在学华文时的难点。让您的孩子华文先拿到“A”,是刘老师的教学原则,刘老师的教学方法受到K1--JC2所有学生的喜爱。与学生的亲和力也让刘老师帮助家长解决了很多学生在叛逆期内出现的一些问题。学生在学习华文时所遇到的困难都有刘老师想办法为你解决,学生从而提升自信。让你遇到华文最好的自己。
Our team of Primary Chinese Teachers chinese tuition centre
chinese tuition centre for secondary school
雷老师 Ms Lei Hong
  • 对于华文早教有着十余年丰富的实践经验。擅长制造课堂活跃的气氛感染每一个孩子用华文表达自己。雷老师灵活运用色彩、手工制作、肢体语言,让孩子们从兴趣中打好学习华文的基础。语言不分国界、族群。独创性的教学法让非华族的学生也独占鳌头。
Our team of Primary Chinese Teachers chinese tuition centre tampines
chinese tuition in singapore
金老师 Ms Jin
  • 业华语主持人,与新传媒各大主持人有合作经验。能以自己独到的新闻观点教授中小学生口试。金老师的学生屡次获得新加坡各大比赛的冠军
Malay chinese tutor singapore
english tuition
Principal Teacher
Mr Jamal
  • Mr Jamal, MOE-trained Malay Teacher has been teaching Malay as a Second Language for more than 10 years. He works well with students helping them with their answering techniques when handling comprehension passages, and also with their Creative Writing. His patience and amiable disposition makes him approachable and well liked by students